91 779 34 82 info@inffe.es

Plant Health Monitorings

Study and assessment of the elm’s pest Xanthogaleruca luteola in Madrid.

Projardin (2017)

Consultory service, monitoring and pest and disease management of the urban greenery of Aranjuez.

Ayuntamiento de Aranjuez (since 2016)

Damage Tracking of Forest Parks and Plant Nurseriess.

UTE Inditec-Ortiz-Eulen (since 2014)

Plant protection Tracking in La Zarzuela Area.

Ferrovial Servicios (since 2013)

Damage Tracking in Green Areas.

Ayuntamiento de Aranjuez (since 2012)

Damage Tracking in Green Areas.

Las Rozas Council (from 2012 to 2015 )

National Heritage forests and Historic Gardens phytosanitary monitoring

Patrimonio Nacional (since 2006)

Advice for urban tree conservation in Pozuelo (Madrid

Althenia, S.L. (2011)

Study on the problem of Huéscar (Granada) monumental sequoias (Sequoia sempervirens and Sequoiadendron giganteum)

Impro Medio Ambiente (2010)

Tree phytosanitary screening in Bosque Sur (Fuenlabrada).

Impro Medio Ambiente (2010)

Monitoring by pheromone traps of Ips acuminatus, Ips sexdentatus, Thaumetopoea pityocampa, and Cameraria ohridella tabaniformis Parenthrene.

Cespa (since 2009)

Sample collection and analysis for the Phytophtora cinnamomi study in the forest of El Pardo.

Patrimonio Nacional (2009)

Integrated Management

Sexual confusion treatment against the pine processionary caterpillar at Casa de Campo, El Pardo, and Tres Cantos

Blue Heron (2020)

Sexual confusion treatment against the pine processionary caterpillar at Majadahonda

Valoriza (2020)

Technical report over a sampling of Diptera carried out in Talavera de la Reina.

Servicio de Espacios Protegidos y Vida Silvestre de Castilla-La Mancha (since 2019)

Consultancy service, monitoring and pest and disease management of the urban greenery of Aranjuez.

City Council of Aranjuez (since 2016)

Consultancy service for implementation of Integrated Pest Management strategies in the Royal Botanical Garden of Madrid.

(since 2016)

Consultancy service for the Integrated Pest Management in Vitoria. Perica nursery

Viveros Perica (2015 and 2016)

Technical Assistant for Integrated Pest Management of Forest Parks and Plant Nurseries

UTE Inditec-Ortiz-Eulen (since 2014)

Integrated Pest Management over Cerambyx welensii in Monte de la Herreria.

Board of Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial (since 2012)

Paper of Integrated Pest Management in public gardens

In VII Applied Entomology National Congress (Baeza, Jaén) (2011)

Basis for the Implementation of the Integrated Management in National Heritage historic gardens.

Cespa (since 2010)

Biological Control Of Pests

Biological Control of the pests of lime tree and boxwood in the Spanish National Heritage Foundation’s Historic Gardens.

Ferrovial Servicios (since 2015)

Natural Enemies release in public Gardens.

Ayuntamiento de Aranjuez (since 2014)

Poster on Biological Control of pests in gardens. VII National Congress on Applied Entomology (Baeza).

AEEA (Spanish Association of Applied Entomology) (2011)

Biological Pest Control in urban green areas course.

Ayuntamiento de Segovia (2011)

Biological Pest Control in urban green areas course.

Althenia (2010)

Course on integrated management in forests (Granada). .

Impro Medio Ambiente, S.L. (2010)

Phytosanitary Treatments

Consultancy service, monitoring and pest and disease management of the urban greenery of Aranjuez.

City Council of Aranjuez (since 2016)

Pine processionary caterpillar pest treatment in public sports centers and European University of Madrid.

Ferrovial Servicios (since 2012)

Control Pest Treatment for Cameraria Ohridella insects, in chestnut grove in La Granja and El Escorial.

Cespa (from 2010 to 2014)

Control Pest Treatment for bark beetle, vectors of elm fungus disease, in National Centre for Forest Genetic Resources Puerta de Hierro.

MAGRAMA (from 2014 to 2019)

In different delegations of national heritage herbicide treatments.

Patrimonio Nacional (from 2008 to 2012)

Different types of phytosanitary treatments in several areas of Spain.

Cespa (from 2009 to 2014)

Phytosanitary treatments in the Bank of Santander financial city.

Acciona (2010)

Treatments with insecticides, fungicides and others (currently just non-toxic products) in different delegations of Patrimonio Nacional

Patrimonio Nacional (since 2008)

Various treatments in different forests and gardens

Tragsa (since 2008)

Treatments in Urbanización Pino Sol (El Escorial) for the control of Pythium sp. and Seridium cardinale

Private clients (since 2008)

Treatments in San Blas sports center to control the pine processionary moth and aphids on conifers.

Trasforva (since 2009)

Treatments against pine drillers and holm oak defoliators in “Ciudad Financiera del Banco Santander” (Boadilla del Monte).

Acciona (2009 and 2010)

Treatments for the control of Euproctis chrysorrhoea in Bosque Sur (Fuenlabrada).

Matinsa (2009)

Treatments in “Finca El Chaparral” for various pests control in hedges and woodland

Puket, S.L. (since 2011)

Treatments in “Finca El Castañar” against Cameraria ohridella on Aesculus hippocastanum (Horse Chestnut)

Inardi S.L. (since 2011)

Co-management of Air Treatment for control of holm oak defoliatiors in Monte de El Pardo.

Patrimonio Nacional (2006)

Endotherapy and specific treatments

Endotherapy pest treatment in 20 schools to control Pine processionary caterpillar pest in Madrid.

UTE Zonas Verdes (2012 and 2016)

Endotherapy treatment in National Heritage Foundation’s Historic Gardens.

Ferrovial (since 2015)

Endotherapy treatment against elm leaf beetle on 700 elms in Fuenlabrada.

Valoriza (2015)

Endotherapy pest treatment to control elm fungus disease in Unique Elms in Comunidad de Madrid.

Patrimonio Nacional (2014)

Reinvigoration treatments for trees in Alcazar de Segovia.

Patronato del Alcázar de Segovia (since 2012)

Reinvigoration treatments for trees in La Granjilla property.

Santiago Aguirre (since 2014)

Diagnosis and treatments of monumental sequoyas in Bodegas Bilbainas.

Viveros Perica (since 2014)

Rehabilitation Works for chestnuts trees.

El Rancho de La Aldegüela (since 2012)

Reinvigoration treatments for trees

Finca El Quemadillo (2013)

Pest treatment for Uniques trees in Comunidad de Madrid: Endotherapy and floor injections.

Patronato del Monasterio de San Lorenzo de El Escorial (2013)

Moles, Nests and pigeons removal in private properties.

(since 2008)

Wooded areas risk assessment

Quantitative tree risk assessment in the Spanish National Heritage Foundation’s Historic Gardens.

Valoriza (2020)

Management plan and quantitative tree risk assessment in Colmenar del Arroyo.

City Council of Colmenar del Arroyo (2020)

Quantitative tree risk assessment of the poplars on the margins of M-40 thoroughfare between km 9 and 16.

Ferrovial (2019)

Quantitative tree risk assessment at the sports facilities of Getafe. 


Quantitative Tree Risk Assessment at the Zarzuela complex.

Patrimonio Nacional

Quantitative tree risk assessment of the elms at the public swimming pool of Aranjuez.

City Council of Aranjuez (2018)

Quantitative tree risk assessment at Barajas Park’s facilities.

C.P. Barajas Park (2018)

Quantitative tree risk assessment in the Spanish National Heritage Foundation’s Historic Gardens.

Valoriza (2017 y 2018)

Tree Risk Assessment of 3 unique poplar stands applying QTRA in Nájera.

Town Council of Nájera (2017)

Tree Risk Assessment at the Eduardo Torroja’s Construction Science Institute.

CSIC (2017)

Tree Risk Assessment in 2 green areas in Calahorra.

City Council of Calahorra (2017)

Tree Risk Assessment in Madrid’s Casa de Campo Park


Tree risk assessment at SEK schools and CJC University

SEK (2016)

Evaluation of unique trees in Almansa.

Town Council of Almansa (2015)

Damage and tree risk assessment at the historical gardens of La Isla and El Príncipe after the windstorm occurred on august 31st 2015 in Aranjuez.

Valoriza (2015)

Risk assessment of singular trees.

Ayuntamiento de Aranjuez (2014)

Fauna and flora

Researches and monitoring

Study and characterization of the populations of woodboring beetles in the genus Cerambyx (Linnaeus, 1758) in Quercus forests in the Community of Madrid.

Dirección General del Medio Ambiente y Sostenibilidad. Consejería de Medio Ambiente, Administración Local y Ordenación del Territorio (2019)

Tracking of the usage by terrestrial fauna of the transversal permeability structures along the M501 motorway.

Inpro Medio Ambiente (2019)

Suply contract for protected wildlife monitoring.

Tragsatec (2013)

Evaluation of the effectiveness of Brown bear (Ursus arctos) and Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) habitat restoration actions in Asturias

Aesia S.L. (2011)

Implementation of monitoring programs for Mammals and Butterflies in Valsaín forestry

Organismo Autónomo Parques Nacionales (2009 – 2010)

Surveillance and monitoring a nest of Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) in Catoira (Galicia)

Fugovasa (2010)

Wildlife inventory for the Environmental Impact Study of M-50 closure

E.T.S.I. de Montes (2009)

First campaign for biological control of the Red fox (Vulpes vulpes) population in “Montes Matas y Pinar de Valsaín”

GIR-Diagnostics (2008 – 2009)

Determination and assessment of the presence of Palearctic Otter (Lutra lutra) in “Jardines del Principe” (Aranjuez)

Patrimonio Nacional Año (2008)

Location and conservation status of the populations of Apollo butterfly (Parnassius apollo) and other threatened butterflies in the eastern part of the “Sierra de Guadarrama”.

Comunidad de Madrid (2007)

Study of the methodology for population control of American mink (Mustela vison) in the archipelago of Sálvora, Galicia Atlantic Islands National Park.

Tragsa (2005 and 2006)

Sampling evidence of the presence of Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) in the southwest of Madrid Autonomous Community.

GIR-Diagnostics (2006 and 2007)

Study of the status of the population of Spanish Moon Moth (Graellsia isabelae) in “Montes Matas y Pinar de Valsaín”. Groundwork for a management plan.

Organismo Autónomo Parques Nacionales (2005 and 2006)

Wildlife inventory for the Environmental Impact Study of a stretch of the axis AVE Atlantic

E.T.S.I. de Montes (2009)

Monitoring and control of predators in “Montes Matas y Pinar de Valsaín”.

GIR-Diagnostics (2005 and 2006)

Development Of Atlases And Catalogues

Preparation of databases of the entomological collection of the Casa de Campo Natural Environment laboratory

UTE Parques Forestales y Viveros (2018)

Inventory of butterflies in El Hayedo de Montejo.

Polytechnic University of Madrid (2015 and 2016)

Butterflies and moths Catalog and Atlas of “Finca Ribavellosa” (La Rioja)

Organismo Autónomo Parques Nacionales (2010 – 2011)

Mammals Catalog and Atlas of “Montes Matas y Pinar de Valsaín”

Tragsa ( 2008 – 2009)

Atlas and catalog of butterflies and catalog of moths of the Parque Nacional de Cabañeros.

Arboltécnicos S.L. (2007, 2008 and 2009)

Atlas and catalog of butterflies from Las Matas and Pinar de Valsaín.

Tragsa (2006 – 2008)

Catalog of moths from the National Park of Islas Atlánticas de Galicia.

Arboltécnicos S.L. (2006)

Plans, Research and Projects

Study on the Physiology and Recovery of Pollarded Ash Trees in Cultivation at Casa de Campo in Madrid

UTE Inditec-Ortiz-Eulen (2020)

Technical documentation to study and describe the plant species of interest that are preserved in the romantic formal garden of the Béjar Forest, from historical, botanical and phytosanitary perspectives

Junta de Castilla y León (2020)

Master plan for the fostering and management of biodiversity in Madrid’s green infrastructure.

Ayuntamiento de Madrid (2020 – 2022)

Study of the situation of invasive alien plant and animal species, with the exception of the monk parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus) and the rose-ringed parakeet (Psittacula krameri), in the green areas of the city of Madrid, and possible control measures.

City Council of Madrid (2020)

Torrelavega Green Areas Management Plan

CESYT (2020)

Study and assessment of the elm’s pest Xanthogaleruca luteola in Madrid.

Projardin (2017)

Reforestation study, garden arrangement and space reservation for popular plantations and urban furniture at the lot between M-11 and M-12 roads and Mistral street on Ensanche de Vallecas in Madrid. 

City Council of Madrid (2017)

Ordering Plan of the rural property “El Hórreo” (Manzanares el Real).

Familia Llerandi (2017)

Study of the current state of the holm oak decline in El Monte del Pardo and action proposals.

Patrimonio Nacional (2016)

Hunting management plan

Coto de Valdeprados (2009 and 2014)

Redaction of the document “Management Criteria and Guidelines for Las Tablas de Daimiel National Park.

Organismo Autónomo Parques Nacionales (2010)

Afforestation Project in “Finca El Carmocho”

El Carmocho SL (2008)

Poplar plantation project in San Martin de la Vega.

Private client (2009)

Consulting and Advisory

Technical Report “Theoretical bases for avoiding the use of toxic substances on the control of weeds, the pine processionary caterpillar and elm leaf beetle in the city of Madrid”.

Madrid City Council (2019)

Technical Report on the necessity and feasibility of not using synthetic chemicals in the phytosanitary control of the city of Madrid

Madrid City Council (2018)

Consultancy and elaboration of public tender offers.

Talher (2017 and 2018)

Preparation of tender offers for Public Contest

Eulen (2014)

Tecnhical Assistant for Foresty Works.

Iberpistas (from 2012 to 2016)

Tecnhical Assistant for buy technical materials.

Tragsatec (2013)


Course on Integrated Pests and Diseases Management in Urban Green Areas (Green Infrastructure). Implementation of RD 1311/2012.

Colegio de Ingenieros Técnicos Forestales (2018)

Courses of Integrated Pest Management in cities.

CLECE (2016 and 2017)

Training courses to recognize pest and diseases; Integrated Pest Management. 9 editions. .

Ayuntamiento de Madrid (since 2012)

Formative courses.

Valoriza (2011 and 2012)

Teaching Training courses.

Segovia City Council (2011)

Biological Pest Control in urban green areas course

Althenia (2010)

Phytosanitary Handler course (Móstoles).

Impro Medio Ambiente S.L. (2010)

Course on wild fauna in the gardens and forests of the National Heritage Foundations.

Patrimonio Nacional (2010)

Tracking and New Technologies course (Lugarnuevo, Jaén)

Organismo Autónomo Parques Nacionales (2006, 2007 and 2008)

Wildlife in National Heritage Gardens and Forestry course.

Patrimonio Nacional (2008 and 2009)

Design and scientific oversight of wildlife dioramas to different National Parks (Tablas de Daimiel, Picos de Europa & Marítimo Terrestre del Archipiélago de Cabrera)


Conservation and Management of Threatened Species Training course.

Environment Ministry


Restoration of the Manuel Ortego Fornies’ collection of Lepidoptera and Coleoptera.

City Council of Madrid (2018)

Restoration of Almansa’s Coleoptera collection.

Town Council of Almana (2016)

Graphic Design and Installation of wood displays for Sierra de Guadarrama National Park

TRAGSA (2014)

Graphic Design and Installation of recycled displays for Alto del Leon Camp.

Arcinature (2013)

Poster Graphic Designs.

Patrimonio Nacional (2013)

Commercial Brochure Graphic Design.

Maderas Luis Cuesta (2012)

Making paths for butterfly-watching in “Sierra del Rincón”

Servicios Ambientales y Culturales S.L. (2011)

Tracking vertebrates courses

Private Clients and Hunters Associations (since 2006)

Design, layout and printing of location and flora informative panels.

Tragsa (2011)

Video production about the “Dehesa Boyal de San Sebastian de los Reyes”.

City of San Sebastian de los Reyes (2010)

Design, layout and printing of integrated management information boards.

Patrimonio Nacional (since 2010)

Design and layout of various publications on butterflies

Organismo Autónomo Parques Nacionales (since 2009)

Gardening and Landscaping

Proyecto básico y de ejecución de restauración de la terraza de la Huerta Histórica de Béjar

Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Béjar (2018)

Soil enhancement around one sequoia at the Industrial Engineering

Academy of Vitoria. UPV (2016)

Large trees transplantation at Rafael Ybarra School. Saldaña Constructions (2015)

Contrucciones Saldaña (2015)

Landscape design for Palacio de Boadilla.

Inpro Medio Ambiente (2012)

Garden design. Main House “Finca Cerro del Aire”.

Impro Medio Ambiente, S.L. (2011)

Woodland Inventory at Polo Field in “La Granja de San Ildefonso”

Tragsa (2011)

Forest jobs

Tree maintenance works at Pronto urbanization.

Community of owners (2016 and 2017)

Land clearing in La Moraleja.

Construcciones Saldaña (2012)

Aerial treatment for pest control in monte de El Pardo.

Patrimonio Nacional (2013)

Pruning trees in Mirasierra.

ArbolTécnicos (2012)

Pruning trees in private properties.

Unica (2014)

Removal of debris by grinding with hammer brush cutter in “Pinar de Timoteo” (Gallegos – Segovia

Herederos de Don Timoteo (since 2008)

Clearing scrub with chains and hammers brush cutter at “Caserio de la Torre” (Torrecaballeros – Segovia)

Catosa (since 2008)